Aspire members with Trainer Profiles have access to built-in features that allow trainers to accept registrations for training events. This process can still be done through a Training Organization Profile; however, for instances where trainers wish to collect registration fees, a Stripe account must be set up and linked to your Trainer Profile.
To set up online registration from your Trainer Profile:
1. Within your Trainer Profile, go to the green navigation menu on the left and click Trainer Settings.
2. In the Trainer Settings section, review the Online Registration Terms and Conditions pop-up screen. If you agree, check the box “I agree to the registration terms and conditions” and press Continue. This will activate the Online Registration feature.
3. Once Online Registration is activated, you have the option to set up a Stripe account if you wish to collect registration fees through The Aspire Registry. Otherwise, scroll down to the default section to customize messaging for individuals registering for your training. Messaging options are available for the following registration sections:
- Default Review Page: Add information that you would like to share with attendees prior to finalizing their registration.
- Default Confirmation Page: Include a customized confirmation and thank you on this page.
- Default Confirmation Email: This email is sent when an attendee finishes the registration process; you can choose to provide more detailed information about your training policies and next steps in this email.
- Default Reminder Email: This email is sent to registrants as a reminder prior to the training. Please note that this email is sent following the last day of registration.
4. When you are done, click the Save button to save your settings. You can edit all messaging when scheduling the event in the Manage Online Registration section of the event portal.
See the step-by-step in video format below: