Once you have created an Individual Aspire Profile, you can set up your Organization Profile.
1. Use the drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner of your Aspire Profile to select +Organization Profile and enter your license number to get started.
2. On the next page, click Create Profile.
3. You will be asked to enter your program contact information. Select Yes to indicate that you work for an organization that provides direct care, and click Next.
4. Under the Organization Identification section, select Yes for the option, Would you like to register with a New York State Office of Children and Family Services license? You will be prompted to enter your program's license number. *Be sure to select No for all other options and click Next.
5. Make the necessary selections for your organization type and click Next.
6. Provide your program capacity information and click Next.
7. Lastly, review the Organization Address to make sure that the information is correct and click the Submit button. Your Aspire Organization Profile will be approved in 3 business days.