Did you know all EIP-approved training events are automatically transferred to the Aspire Registry? Training event information is sent nightly, so please allow 1-2 business days to see your training reflected in The Aspire Registry.
What if I don't see my training listed in The Aspire Registry? Training events will not transfer successfully if the organization name and the Aspire Organization ID entered into the EIP Portal do not match what you have in your Aspire Organization Account. If you are still waiting to see your events in The Aspire Registry, please check that your organization name's spelling is correct and consistent in both systems and that you entered the correct Aspire Organization ID in the Professional Development Program system.
Why does my course show as expired? If a course was imported through SUNY PDP, it cannot be renewed. These courses will show as expired on Aspire but attendance can still be updated for events.
Remember to take advantage of the cool features available within the Aspire Registry for trainers and training organizations! You can track attendance and other information about the training you are providing and ensure that your attendees automatically get credit in their Aspire Profile for attending your training. You can do this by uploading your sign-in sheet and entering each attendee's Aspire ID number or simply using The Aspire Registry App.
Interested in becoming an approved EIP trainer? Click here!