You can log attendance for your events by uploading a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file through the Import Attendees feature.
1. To begin, click your event and select Import Attendees from the Manage dropdown menu.
2. On the Import Attendees page, you can download our attendance template CSV file by clicking Sample Import File or creating your own.
3. When you have your CSV list ready, click Select File.
4. From the saved files on your computer, choose the correct CSV attendance document.
5. Match the imported columns listed on the CSV file to the fields in the system and click Import Data when you're done.
6. The Import Results box will display the number of matched and unmatched attendees in the registry.
7. By clicking Import Results, you will download a copy of the attendance CSV file with a Matched Registry ID column; unmatched individuals will not have an ID listed in that column.
8. Click Manage Roster to access the roster and double-check that the attendance information is correct.
9. You MUST also upload a copy of your attendance sheet under the Required Documentation section. This will help us validate attendance on your behalf in the event a member reaches out regarding missing training on their profile.
See the step-by-step for importing attendees in video format below: